Dear Participants,
This is a place for you to tell us about your creations using your favorite tools or any activities done as you play around during the course. Whenever possible, describe how you use the tools
Links to work created exclusively during BaW10.
You can write you name in bold, then below it paste the link and in brackets what kind of an artifact it is.
Your name
URL (blog / wiki / exercise / survey.... and any other info you find relevant)
Valentina (dimivalmi):
Week 1
Joining the BaW10 map
Week 2: Tapped In Office:
Teaching Practice This is my first office of such a kind.
Week 3: blogs:
Vssmart09's blog This is my first Wordpress blog for my advanced university students.
I created the name of the blog in December 2009, but the rest was done during the BaW10.
English Through Comics This is my first Edublog for my advanced university students. There are three pages with three comic strips.
Valesit's Posterous There is nothing, but I'll add something later.
Week 3: wiki:
Access Project USA Regions This is my first pbworks wiki for my Access schoolchildren.
Safe Internet Surfing This is my second pbworks wiki for my Access Beginner schoolchildren.
Week 3: Twitter account:
Week 3: Ning
My Page
Week 4: VoiceThread:
My Russian Maslenitsa This is my first VoiceThread. I am happy it has become international!
Welcome message (Voxopop). Only 20 sec, but another 'first' tool for me!
Week 5: MyStudio interactive exercise:
USA. Geography of New England This is my first exercise within the Acces Project USA Regions.
Week 5: ProProfs interactive exercise:
USA Writers from New England This is my first exercise within the Access project.
Week 5: worksheet:
USA. The Middle Atlantic This is my first exercise of such a kind within the Access Project.
Week 5: survey:
Cities in the Middle Atlantic This is my first exercise of such a kind within the Access Project.
Week 6: something special
My Doubts before BaW10 Dvolver simple film
Doubts Stage'd simple scene (needs a player to be downloaded)
My BaW10 session diagram
Week 3: Twitter account: annegracemount
Week 5: Quizz with Google Spreadsheet: Email etiquette
Survey on Personal Development and employment of Technology in EFL
Gilder's online exercises and Wiki.
Hi BaWers!
Week 5:
http://gdavila.pbworks.com/ONLINE-EXERCISES: Here are some of the exercises I made for this week. I'm still working in some others, but you can take a look at:
Week 3
http://teachinggrammar.pbworks.com/: MY WIKI
See you on Week 6,
All the best,
Vesile's blog
Normally, we upload our worksheets or homework on our school's site and students can have an easy access. This is something I started with Baw10 and I am still studying on it, so there isn't much in it :))
My Blog
A trial worksheet /blog with some different activities
Online Activities
Here is MY WALL
My twitter: http://twitter.com/vslcr
Mounia, Morocco
This is an exercise on googledocs. the link: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dFBMaHpMMC1uVTBMaTNycGdaTlM2ZFE6MA
Another exercise on lingtlanguage: http://lingtlanguage.com/mk
A survey for my students: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/?p=WEB22A89DLUBV2
My blog: http://mounia.edublogs.org/
A virtual classroom in ICA. the link: http://www.nicenet.org/ICA/class/home.cfm
My voice on voxopop: http://www.voxopop.com/topic/4a0f5d2b-30ab-4ee1-b708-6c6332b2b333
and http://www.voxopop.com/topic/f583f906-5802-4f8a-9431-90d2e3d25e65
My twitter: http://twitter.com/Mounia9
My diigo account: http://www.diigo.com/user/mounia
On delicious: http://delicious.com/nicemouna
on snapvine: http://www.snapvine.com/profile/xYPdXhKbEd-JHgAwSFxytA
Habiba Remmal, Morocco
1- www.remmalblog.blogspot.com
2- http://criticalmind.wikispaces.com
3- www.ictteaching.ning.com
4- www.wiziq.com/habiba
5-hello from Morocco :a discussion group on www.voxopop.com
6- http://lingtlanguage.com/hremmal (no classes created yet)
7- www.ictteachers.grouply.com
N.B most of my activities are not finished yet because I am a very slow learner as far as technology is concerned.I hope I will finish soon and share with all of you .
Sandra Rogers, USA
Week 1: Frapper Guest Map and TimeandDate GMT World Map
I added these gadgets to the wiki for another EVO session that I am currently teaching.
I uploaded files and links and "decorated" my virtual office. Then I gave a tour to my students in another EVO class, Internet 4 Young EFL Learners. This was my first time taking a class there.
Week 3: Twitter Account @Sandra_BBNFL
I created a Twitter account for the first time and love it. I thought it was silly before and used Facebook instead. I use it to learn and promote online resources for my nonprofit.
Week 4: Aviary.com and VOXOPOP
I added a farewell message to the participants in my EVO session using both Aviary and VOXOPOP. I even started a Talkgroup on VOXOPOP for my nonprofit!
Veronica Baig, Canada
One of the things I've been doing throughout this workshop is to develop a blog of my web 2.0 experiences. There were several objectives:
1. I presented on blogging at a conference last October, and there was a lot of interest in blogging, but few of the participants knew how to go about it, so I promised to start a 'teaching' blog for my provincial CALL sig. For this reason, I used a blog rather than a wiki.
2. I wanted to document and share my own experiences with the technology and my own growth. I'm still waiting for input from one of my followers who has been taking the SL workshop:
My wiki is designed to introduce students to the editing tools and usage of wikis and also to give them a sample editing exercise:
I enjoyed using lingt;
I made a short listening and speaking exercise:
This was fun, even if I did post it to the 2009 group by mistake:
Note that the blogs listed on the participant page are completely updated (they are not traditional blogs) every 10 to 12 days. I have also joined Tapped In and established a virtual office.
Attilio Galimberti, Italy
Week 1:
I completed the diagnostic survey, wrote my introduction and joined the BAW10 map. I posted a comment in the forum about the reading ‘What makes a successful online student’ ( http://baw2010.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=readings&action=display&thread=3&page=2 )
Week 2:
I opened my virtual office at Tapped In, chatted with some BAWers on Yahoo Messenger and attended Michael’s session (http://baw2010.pbworks.com/Live-Session-with-Michael-Coghlan). I posted a comment in the forum about the reading ‘Online Communication Tools’:
Week 3:
I shared my wiki with other colleagues who worked on their or other wikis: Ms Blazic (Greetingsfromtheworld), Lunas994, Lyudmyla76. Joined Graham Stanley's presentation about Twitter (http://baw2010.pbworks.com/Graham-session), learnt more about Nings and joined Mbarek's Allsharing Network
I got a twitter account: http://twitter.com/attilio59
Week 4, 5 and 6:
Thanks to the collaboration of Mbarek, Hala and Maru, who helped me find some useful websites for Business English exercises, I prepared some activities about Marketing and Advertising for my EFL high school students (Business English course) in their wikispace page:
Each single activity can be seen here:
MyStudio interactive exercise: http://www.mystudiyo.com/ch/a105611/go/an_ad_campaign
ProProfs interactive exercise: http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/quizshow.php?title=marketing-vocabulary_1&quesnum=1
Voxopop Talkgroup created for my EFL Class4 : http://www.voxopop.com/group/892e0aea-eacd-4156-b43c-88c8984d8991
Finally, I posted a recipe (Frittelle di mele - Apple frittelle) here: http://baw2010participants.pbworks.com/International-Recipe-Book
Links to work created by participants previous to BaW10
Pinar's Blogs and Wiki:
www.pinarboynikoglu.com I started hosting my own blog. It will be activated soon.
www.bilfenyenisehir4thgraders2010.edublogs.org This is a class blog which the students will start using in the 2nd term.
Sharon's Blogs:
Work Blog at blogs.msad52.org/sharonbetts
The Book Chook is Susan Stephenson's blog. It shares tips about children's literacy, literature and using technology to motivate kids.
Pamela's blog:
Valentina's (dimivalmi) blogs:
Access School blog This blog was created in 2008 as a web-site for the school.
Access Summer Camp 2008 This was my first very simple blog. Just information on the events in the Camp.
Access Summer Camp 2009 This was a more sophisticated blog (with gadgets, contributors and followers) on the events and lessons at the Camp.
Larissa's Wikis and Blogs:
Wiki for F2F Training with International Teachers at Purdue, Fall 2009 - I found using wiki for training with the group of teachers is very effective. You may see the online conference with Teresa about BaW2010. I still need to add the link to the video.
http://yakuttesol.blogspot.com - I created this blog for non-profit organization Yakut TESOL, it is open for all people.
http://dallasyakutskcollaboration.pbworks.com/ - wiki for collaborative project between classes in the USA and Russia, Fall 2009.
Biljana's blogs:
http://biljanamyblog.blogspot.com/ this is my first blog, made last year on BAW '09
http://debunkstereotypes-macedonia.blogspot.com/ This is my newest blog, and my students' work on an iternational project!
http://debunkstereotypesmk.wordpress.com/ The same project, but my student work! See these blogs! It's something that I learned last year, but I must learn more about blogs!
Jose Antonio's (JA) blogs:
http://joseantoniook.blogspot.com - this is a reflection blog where I play with tools and reflect on them. I sometimes autopost from posterous
http://joseantoniook.posterous.com/ - this is another reflection blog. The good thing about posterous is its many features such as autopost (which allows you to post to many other blogs. It is good blog for reporting things because you can post by e-mail, you can also quote other pages on your posts.
http://advanced5b.ning.com/ - this is one of the ning communities I have. Ning is social networking at its best. It has chats, videos, pictures, forums. Each student has his own blog page which is accessible through the main page.
http://thomasja.wordpress.com/ - this is a blog I had with my students for some semesters. It is my pet blog. I really love it.
http://ctjenglish.pbworks.com/ - a wiki I had with my 11 to 13 year old students.
Attilio's Wikis:
http://amaldi-english-corner.wikispaces.com - a wikispace for my EFL students. Lots of online activities students can do in a school language lab or at home. It also contains online language projects with American schools and universities.
http://galliefl.wikispaces.com - similar to the above. New sections for Business English and English for Tourism.
Arjana's blogs, wikis, ning and website
http://traveloteacher.blogspot.com/ this is my blog where I write about travelling, school exchanges, international projects and different web 2.0 tools that I use in my classroom.
http://twitterovadruzina.wordpress.com/ my second blog is my NY resolution - I decided to write about web 2.0 tools in Croatian for Croatian teachers who don't speak English.
http://greetingsfromtheworld.wikispaces.com/ is my award-winning wiki, where students from all over the wolrd are invited to create multimedia posters (glogsters) about their country.
http://classiiia.ning.com/ is one of my ning communities. At first I wanted my students to learn how to write blogs and post constructive comments, but then it turned into an amazing collaboration project with a school from Colorado.
http://mojamatura.net/ is a website I set up with two colleagues so that our students can practise English, Maths and ICT for the recently introduced unified school-leaving exams. There are plenty of links to excellent interactive exercises for intermediate and upper-intermediate levels (A2, B1, B2), divided into sections for Reading, Listening, Writing and Use of English.
Natasa's blog and wikis:
My blog: http://lunas994.blogspot.com/ I mostly blog about TEFL and about Web 2.0. My blog is my favourite online space.
I have a different wiki for each level I teach. You will notice that some material is repeated in several wikis. That's because the students use the wiki as their website during the course and sometimes the same material can be used at different levels.
http://lunas994.pbworks.com/FrontPage# is the first wiki I have ever made. It was two years ago during my first BaW. It mostly contains exercises for elementary and upper-intermediate students.
http://s1coffeetime.pbworks.com/ is for elementary students.
http://s2coffeetime.pbworks.com/ pre-intermediate
http://v1coffeetime.pbworks.com/ intermediate 1
http://v2coffeetime.pbworks.com/ intermediate 2
http://fcecoffeetime.pbworks.com/ FCE
http://cpecoffeetime.pbworks.com/ CPE
http://pcoffeetime.pbworks.com/ for total beginners. It is a brand new wiki and there isn't much to see yet.
Teresa's blogs and "remedial work" wiki
Have Fun with English! 2 (extracurricular) (if you get a window asking for a password, just close it)
CALL Lessons 2005-2007 (curricular) (a 45 min. lesson every two weeks)
6th grade remedial work wiki (for 2nd year EFLers to help recover students who were behind) (work based on things we'd covered in the textbook, including different types of interactive activities/exercises) (organized by units in the textbook)
Anisoara's class blogs and wiki
First year blog
Second year blog
Wiki for Tourism
Bea's wiki and blogs
bees4work a wiki where I put material I will use during one-to-one classes, face-to-face or online, and where I can send my students when they are on their own
BeaBees (blog to share with colleagues) BeaBeesEnglish (information blog for EFL students) and BeaBeesFrançais (information blog for FLE students) - none of them very active unfortunately
Gabriela's Blog and wiki
www.vds3rdform.pbworks.com A wiki for my students at elementary level. 3rd formers of a bilingual school. My first wiki, done thanks to BAW2010.
www.gabycrocillablog.blogspot.com A blog I created for personal purposes with info on my baby.
On line activities: http://www.quia.com/profiles/gcrocilla
M. Luján's wiki and blogs
My wiki. There's not much in it yet, but there will be!
These are my blogs: Electónica, Construcciones, Ciclopirox and E.E.T. Nº2
Stella's blog(s)
I have several blogs (Baw 09, actually). Last year I had to take a last minute substitution at college (Shakespearean literature) so I made up this small blog that I invite you to visit.
Language and Culture 4
Sandra Rogers' nonprofit blog and Web site
Creating interactive exercises (week 5)
I’ve tried a few tools to create activities for my adult students and embedded them in our wiki.
There’s a survey (Polldaddy)about their profession at http://bees4work.pbworks.com/Warm-Up-questions-for-Pilots#Poll , a vocabulary quiz (MyStudiyo) at http://bees4work.pbworks.com/English-for-Pilots , and another one leading to reading at http://bees4work.pbworks.com/Reading-for-Pilots#Herearesomereadingactivitiesontheinternetyoumayenjoy , flashcards to train collocations to ask for/give instructions at http://bees4work.pbworks.com/Vocabulary-for-Pilots#Collocationstogive/askforinstructionsnbsp
Some couldn’t be embedded: flashcards and matching (word – definition) exercise (Quizlet) at http://quizlet.com/1035155/parts-of-an-airport-flash-cards/ , matching exercise (Language Center Interactive exercise makers) for Collocations related to fire at
I’m looking forward to reading your feedback on these and I hope I can find time to experiment worksheets by the end of the week.
Some works: our class wiki- www.lugemispaevik.pbworks.com (in estonian, but I love English2-quizlet vocabulary exercises for learning);
primary english study -http://harjutused.wikispaces.com (based .eXe learning and MyStudio/Youtube);
project learning page -www.howdidIget.blogspot.com (matchingexercises) and http://howdidIget.wetpaint.com
Best,Tiiu Leibur
Svetlana's wiki
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Comments (8)
sharonbetts said
at 3:59 am on Jan 25, 2010
Great job Susan and Pamela for posting the first links. And to two GREAT blogs.
stace leza said
at 10:39 am on Jan 25, 2010
This blog was created in 2009. it is a collabaration done with students as part of a group project for a competition that is sponsored by a bank every year to develop the leadership ability of students aged 14-17. every year there is a different theme
Letizia said
at 3:37 am on Jan 26, 2010
I'm the editor, together with a colleague, of Tesol Italy blog:
We also posted EVO announcement there!
Belkis Yanes said
at 5:21 am on Jan 26, 2010
Belkis' blog: teacherkiki.blogged.com
I'm a new user and I haven't done much. I've used it as a diary to write about my experiences in baw2010. I'm planning to use it as an informal contact with my students and colleagues in the near future. Comments, suggestions and help are welcome.
carlosbarrera said
at 11:26 pm on Feb 12, 2010
Hi. I have just tried proprofs.org It's the first time I do it and it's pretty nice. I created one, but it's not good enough. I jsut did it to test. Anyway, here's the link: http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school/quizshow.php?title=understanding-by-design&quesnum=1
Carolina said
at 5:05 pm on Feb 16, 2010
Carolina's Wiki
Check it out!!!
sue annan said
at 10:59 pm on Feb 18, 2010
plus I've taken part in all live sessions, read all emails, tried everyone else's material.
Posted weekly answers and make lots of friends on YM and Skype
habiba remmal said
at 8:52 pm on Feb 20, 2010
please post to my wall:
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