
International Recipe Book

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on February 20, 2010 at 7:54:08 am


Hi dear Bawers!

This page is open to create an international delicacies recipe book.

The idea is to have all the recipes in one page and link it to the Graduation page.  Thanks!

The floor is all yours!!!!



Sue Annan's present.    

Des Mervelles de Jerri. In English these are called Jersey Wonders.Traditionally Jersey housewives cooked them as the tide went out. If cooked on the incoming tide, the oil in the pan was thought to overflow.Their nearest equivalent would be the American doughnut, although Wonders are never coated in sugar. 

Ingredients for around 40 wonders: 

1.5 lbs self-raising flour

4 oz    butter

8 oz    caster sugar

6         eggs. 


  • Sieve flour and sugar and rub in butter.
  • Add whisked eggs to make a light dough
  • With floured hands make golf-ball sized shapes
  • Place on lightly floured tray and cover with a damp cloth for 2 hours
  • Roll into oblongs 2x4 inches
  • With a sharp knife slit the centre of each oblong and twist the top end through the slit
  • Drop 4 - 6 wonders at a time into a large pan of hot oil
  • Cook for 2 minutes on each side until golden brown.
  • Drain on kitchen paper



Chaouki Mkaddem



Today’s recipe is from North Africa, particularly Tunisia. It is the national dish in most of North Africa and it is called Couscous.

You can make the couscous with lambs meat, chicken, fish or even just vegetables.


½ kilo meat “cut into cubes”

½ kilo couscous “you can get this at the super store”

4 tablespoons olive oil

2 onions “cut into small cubes”

2 green peppers

2 potatoes

2 carrots

Pumpkin “cut into cubes”

1 can chickpeas “ready for cooking”

4 tablespoons tomato paste

1 tablespoon chili powder or “harissa*” 

salt and pepper for seasoning

½ tablespoon paprika

½ tablespoon cinnamon

½ tablespoon cumin

*Harissa is the chili paste Tunisians use for cooking or dried chilly red pepper

Season the meat with the spices and put it into a pot with the olive oil and onions, fry it for a bit, then add the tomato paste, chickpeas and a cup of water, and let it boil for 15 minutes.

Cut the vegetables and throw them in the pot, add 1 liter of water and let boil.

To prepare the couscous, put it into a colander or sifter, over the big pot, wet the couscous and put it into the sifter and steam it for 30 minutes.

Add the potatoes to the sauce, and rewet the couscous in the sifter with a bit of the sauce “which will give it the red color”, continue cooking for another 20 minutes.

Put the couscous in a big bowl, pour some sauce over it and stir it, then arrange the vegetables and meat over it, and you’ve got yourself a beautiful,

yummy Tunisian dish! 



A classic Sudanese dish 

Fosolia Stew Recipe 


½ kg white beans fosolia

1 kg chicken breast

1 big onion

2 cans of tomatoes

3 large potatoes

Cup of dill

2 cloves of garlic

1 tablespoon of salt

1 tablespoon of black pepper

1 tablespoon of dry coriander seeds


Soak beans overnight.

Cook beans until tender and drain the beans to separate from liquid.

Dice an onion and cook in 30ml oil until tender.

Chop the 2 cloves of garlic and add it to the onion.

Slice the chicken up and add it to the mix; stir for 2 minutes.

Then add 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of black pepper, 1 tablespoon of dry coriander seeds, a cup of dill and stir.

Dice the potatoes and add them to the mix along with the 2 cans of tomatoes.

Add the beans to the pot and let it simmer for 30 minutes.

Serve with rice, bread  or couscous. 



From Vesile   -

Grape Leaves Stuffed with Rice (Zeytinyaglı Yaprak Sarması)




2 cups rice

1 tomato, diced

1 tbsp tomato paste

2 onions, shredded

200 gr (1/2 lb) grape leaves, fresh/ preserved

2/3 cup olive oil

3 cups water

½ lemon, sliced

2 tbsp dried mint

¼ tsp black pepper

¼ tsp cinnamon

½ tsp allspice

1 ½ tsp salt

½ tsp sugar

In warm water, leave the rice for 30 minutes, then wash and drain.              

If you are using fresh grape leaves; Put the leaves in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes till they are soft.

Drain and remove the stems. If you are using preserved grape leaves just remove the stems.

Place the stems at the bottom of your pot or saucepan. (It is to prevent burning the bottom layer)

Place 3 tbsp olive oil in a pan and let the onions sauté until they change in color.

Add the rice and stir a few minutes. Then add the tomatoes and tomato paste.

After a while add 1 cup of hot water and cook until the water evaporates.

Finally add ½ cup olive oil, dried mint, black pepper, cinnamon, allspice, salt and sugar and mix them all.


Place each leaf on a plate. 


Put ½ tablespoon of filling on the larger end of it, fold the two sides in and roll it on like a cigarette. Do not roll them too tight. Place them tightly side by side in a saucepan. Place the lemon slices on the surface and 2 cups of warm water. Put a small lid or plate on top of them.

Cover and cook on low heat for 40 minutes, until the water is absorbed. Let cool.

Arrange on a serving dish and serve with lemon slices and yogurt.




From Attilio (Italy)

Frittelle di mele (Apple Frittelle)



Carnevale is celebrated in Italy forty days before Easter, before Ash Wednesday and the restrictions of Lent.  A lot of Italian towns celebrate Carnevale the weekend before the actual carnival date, which is on ShroveTuesday.


“Apple Frittelle” is a typical dessert for the Carnival season. I'm not a good cook (but a big eater!), so the recipe is taken from  http://www.cookingwithpatty.com/italian/recipe/apple-frittelle/




2.2 lbs. apples

4 large eggs

2 cups + 2 1/2 Tbsp. flour

4 Tbsp. sugar

2 Tsp. Rum

4 Tbsp. Milk

grated zest from two lemons

powder sugar to sprinkle

oil to fry


1. Peel the apples, shred them and set them aside.

2. In another bowl the beat eggs, add the sugar and the flour. Mix until well combined then add the Rum, the milk and the grated lemon zest.

3. Add the apples and mix until well incorporated.

4. In a small nonstick pan warm up the oil, being careful not burn it.

5. When the oil reaches a hot temperature you can start adding the frittelle. Shape them in a ball using two spoons and then drop them gently into the oil. They’ll start to swell and to become golden. Fry both sides evenly.

6. Cover a dish with paper towel and when the frittelle are ready place them on the paper towel to remove the excess oil and sprinkle them with powder sugar.

7. Serve them hot or you can also prepare them two hours in advance and serve them later. They’re simply delicious.


Buon appetito!



From Luján (Argentina)

Alfajores de Maizena 




To make the dough.

  • 300 grs corn starch (Maizena is a corn starch brand, that’s why the alfajores are called so). •
  • 200 grs flour.
  • 200 grs butter.
  • Half a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate.
  • Two spoonfuls of strong powder
  •  150 grs sugar.
  •   Three egg yolks,
  • One spoonfool vanilla escence.
  •  One spoonful grated lemon grind.
  •  One spoonfull brandy.

For the fillling

  • Toffee (Dulce de leche!!!)
  •  Shreadded cocnut.


First, sift the flour, the corn starch, the strong powder and the bicarbonate together. Then, in another bowl, mix the butter and sugar. Then, add the egg yolks one by one. After that, add the brandy, vanilla and the grated lemon grind. Now, you can add the dry ingredients that had been sifted previously. Form the dough withouth kneading it. Flatten the dough on the table. It must be about half a centimetre thick. Then cut out the cookies. (about 4cm diametre). Bake them from ten to fifteen minutes on low heat. They mustn’t be crunchy after cooking, but white and soft!! Once they’re cold you can start preparing the “alfajores”. Join the cookies with toffee and spread some on the sides. Then, dip the sides in shreadded coconut.

If they're well done, they melt in your mouth!!! Yummy!! Enjoy!



Belkis Yanes [catalinas.jpg]  Catalinas [catalinas.jpg]Catalinas are big Venezuelan traditional cookies made with melaza instead of sugar. They are very tasty since the sugar cane pulp combines with the melted butter resulting in an thick caramel. Is your mouth already watering? If so, you're ready for this very easy recipe.


Ingredients for a dozen: 1/2 cup of water, 250 grs. sugar cane pulp, 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon and cloves, 50 grs. salted butter, 2 cups of flour, 1/2 tsp. baking soda. TIP: I use an extra ingredient most people don't used.The scientific name is Psidium sartorianum: Guayabita del Perú or Pimienta Dulce (Venezuela), Para guava (English), Araçá do Pará (Brazil),Guayaba de Agua (Peru), Arrayán (Mexico). I crush 1/2 tsp. and add it with the cinnamon and clove. This ingredient gives the cookies a very intense smell and flavor.


Preparation: Melt sugar cane pulp in water with the spices. Let it rest for 15 min.Sieve while warm and add butter. Add dry ingredients and combine. Make small balls and flatten a little before placing them on a pan previously coated with butter or oil and flour. Bake for 30 minutes at 250°C.

   [catalinas.jpg] This is what a Catalina typically looks like after baked. I make them round. Enjoy them!



Dafne´s Spanish Paella 


Please, click on the image below to go to my Paella cooking lesson - Apart from the step-by-step illustrated instructions on how to cook paella, you will also find some cultural notes about this dish, and activities to use this lesson in an English class.


Btw, I  prepared this lesson in 2002 for an event at Tapped In, but I  had lost it when Geocities was taken down. Today, I have redone it for our BaW-10 Graduation :-)










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