
International Recipe Book

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Saved by Belkis Yanes
on February 19, 2010 at 11:32:05 pm

Belkis Yanes [catalinas.jpg]  Catalinas [catalinas.jpg]Catalinas are big Venezuelan traditional cookies made with melaza instead of sugar. They are very tasty since the sugar cane pulp combines with the melted butter resulting in an thick caramel. Is your mouth already watering? If so, you're ready for this very easy recipe.

Ingredients for a dozen: 1/2 cup of water, 250 grs. sugar cane pulp, 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon and cloves, 50 grs. salted butter, 2 cups of flour, 1/2 tsp. baking soda. TIP: I use an extra ingredient most people don't used.The scientific name is Psidium sartorianum: Guayabita del Perú or Pimienta Dulce (Venezuela), Para guava (English), Araçá do Pará (Brazil),Guayaba de Agua (Peru), Arrayán (Mexico). I crush 1/2 tsp. and add it with the cinnamon and clove. This ingredient gives the cookies a very intense smell and flavor.

Preparation: Melt sugar cane pulp in water with the spices. Let it rest for 15 min.Sieve while warm and add butter. Add dry ingredients and combine. Make small balls and flatten a little before placing them on a pan previously coated with butter or oil and flour. Bake for 30 minutes at 250°C.

   [catalinas.jpg] This is what a Catalina typically looks like after baked. I make them round. Enjoy them!

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