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by Daf 1 year, 7 months ago
Participants' Photos and Intros

Click on the "Edit page" button above to add your profile. We have included a form below for you to follow.
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Once you click on Edit page, scroll down the page until you see the last introduction, then...
Follow these instructions to copy your intro:
1. Add your intro after the last profile you find. Make your intro no more than 100 words.
2. Select "your name" and write your name.
3. Add your photo in the left cell:
a. Click the "Images and files" tab on the right once you are on the edit mode
b. Upload your picture
c. Put the cursor on the picture cell and click on the link to the image on the right
4. In the right cell write your introduction. Include information about your place of work, the country where you live, what you do, why you joined this session, and your Yahoo ID. (It's advisable to write it in advance in Notepad, for example, and then copy-paste it here.)
5. Click "Save"
Dafne Gonzalez
Dafne Gonzalez has been an EFL/ESP teacher for more than 30 years. She graduated in Language Teaching, has a Masters degree in Applied Linguistics, and a Ph.D in Education. She is currently a Full professor at Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela where she coordinated the Graduate Studies in Education Programs and was the Head of the Specialization in Informatics and Education. Besides teaching technology-related courses at the graduate level, she also designed and teaches the English for Architecture and Urban Planning blended courses. A webhead since 2002, she was the lead coordinator of the TESOL Electronic Village Online for 3 years, and has co-moderated, with Teresa Almeida d'Eça the Becoming a Webhead (BaW) online Workshop since 2004. She teaches the TESOL Principles and Practices Certificate Program course: "Teaching Vocabulary and Grammar Online". Currently, she is the head of the Spanish Program for Languagelab.com in Second Life. This is my e-portfolio Yahoo ID: dygonza Skype: dafnegon939 SL: Daf Smirnov |
Teresa Almeida d'Eca
I'm a retired EFL teacher, but once a teacher, always a teacher. I'm also a lifelong learner and a teacher trainer both f2f and online. I've been a Webhead since Jan. 2002 and have learned immensely with this fabulous online community of practice along the years. I will be coordinating and moderating with Dafne and a great group of mods our 7th round of Becoming a Webhead. You'll find most of my work, my teacher-student blogs and activities for students at my website under School.
Yahoo ID - teca2002pt, Skype ID - teresadeca, Second Life - Tere Short, Email - tmvaz-at-mail-dot-telepac-dot-pt
Vinicius Rodrigues
I'm Vinicius Rodrigues, I'm an EFL teacher from Brazil. I've been teaching for 6 years. I'm really interested in becoming a Webhead. There's just so much to learn!
Yahoo ID - vini_alter, email: vini_alter@yahoo.com.br
Carlos Barrera
Hello everyone! I'm Carlos Barrera from Guayaquil, Ecuador. You can call me Carlos. My ID is carlosbarrera1975. I am working at a prestigious English Institute and a prestigious and excellent University in my hometown. I've been an English teacher for the last 8 years, I'm turning 35 this coming Thursday. I am also starting to train, coach new English teachers at the university.
I'm joining this group because I like technology and teaching is continuously changing and adding new tools. Web 2.0, CMC tools are basic for learners today and part of their lives. I hope I can finally get students to use as many tools as they can to learn better.
Natasa Bozic
Hello everybody. My name is Natasa Bozic Grojic. I come from Belgrade, Serbia. I have been a teacher for 20 years now. I teach adults and my school’s name is Zaduzbina Ilije M. Kolarca.
I am fascinated by Web 2.0 and I am particularly interested in blogging. This is my third BaW. Every year I learn something new and meet great people.
Here is where you can find me:
My Yahoo ID: natasabozicgrojic
My Skype ID: grojici.banjica
My blog: http://lunas994.blogspot.com
My e-portfolio: http://www.netvibes.com/lunas994
My Twitter account: @lunas994
I am Natalija Wingtips in Second Life
I am natasabozicgrojic on Facebook
Sherry Terrell
Anisoara Pop
Hello to BAwers, friends and new ones. I have been teaching English for 22 years and Business English for 11 years at Dimitrie Cantemir University of Targu Mures, Romania. I hold a PhD in linguistics and present at different national and international events in the field.I honestly acknowledge that I owe Baw2009 everything I have been using and exploring with technology: personal and class blogs (I am really happy about this recently created one: http://www.English4usdc1.blogspot.com for my first year students), wikis, VoxOpop and Vaestro, and I initiated a yahoo group for Romanian ESP teachers in higher education (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ESP-RO). I have started a passion for exploring new paths of rekindling my students’ motivation through technology-based English language learning. Of course, there’s necessary to continuously develop in this open-ended field, that’s why I am here to learn, collaborate and share with the most dedicated family of Webhead professionals. |
Tatiana Kobzina
Hello everybody,
I am Tatiana Kobzina (Tanya) from Russia / Moscow. I teach English at university. I’d like to be in the know of the recent studies in the area of e-learning tools to make my classes more dynamic. I believe implementing e-technologies plays a crucial role in shaping students' ideas and expressing themselves on a variety of issues. It’s great to be part of teachers’ international community and share ideas with peers.
Yahoo ID: tanya.kobzina ; Skype ID: mishmash ; E-mail: mishmash63@mail.ru/ mishmash63@gmail.com
Dincer Demir

Hi everybody.! I am Dincer.
I have been a teacher of English in a state primary school and a private language course for adults for 3 years in Turkey. I work and live in Istanbul. BUt temproraily, I am working in Urfa,Turkey. I am also taking another online course on TESOL from USA. I am really interested in distant courses, so this course is really peculiar for my interest. I am really motivated and exicited to get most from the course.In addition, I am interested in international projects.This will be my first EVO. I have great expectations.
my yahoo id: demir.dincer
my skype id: dincherdemir
my e-mail : dincherdemir@gmail.com
Adolfo Arrieta

Hello everybody!
My name’s Adolfo Arrieta. I’m from Sincelejo, Colombia. I have been working as a teacher for fourteen years. I’ve been using web2.0 tools for three years and they have been very useful and motivating for my students.
yahoo ID: Adolarrieta
Facebook: Adolfo.arrieta
Diigo: adolf25
Skype: adolarrieta
Second life: Xander ireto
Gilmar Mattos
My name is Gilmar Mattos and I've been an EFL teacher since 1989 from beginners to post proficiency. I am from Franca-SP-Brazil and I teach at a Binational Center here - CCBEU-Centro Cultural Brasil Estados Unidos. I did an online course about Webtools in 2008 with Carla Arena and I have now been responsible for the Technology Department of our school. I really want to learn more about the use of Web 2.0 to enhance my teaching and most importantly students' learning.
Hope to interact with you all. I'm always "around".
SKYPE: gildsmattos / YAHOO: gilmattos2001 / Twitter: @GilMattos
Chaouki Mkaddem

My name is Chaouki Mkaddem. I am a Tunisian English teacher. I have been teaching for about seventeen years. I teach in M'saken, Tunisia. I am highly motivated to take part in Webhead 2010 session and very glad to make acquaintances of all people involved in this session.
All the Best!
Sheila Passos

Hello everybody! Nice to meet you all!
My name is Sheila Passos but you can call me Shee. My yahoo ID is sheellahh. I work at two language institutes in Brasília: CIL (CIL is a public school where only languages are taught) and Cooplem, which is a cooperative of language teachers. At CIL I’m a teacher and at Cooplem I’ve been managing the department of technology. Such department deals only with the physical part, but I’ve been trying to be involved with technology in a more pedagogical sense. I love technology and I am fascinated with what it can do for us and for students who are learning a language. It is not easy to use technology when the school doesn’t provide us with the basic tools but I really think CMC can work miracles in students’ engagement and motivation. I’m finishing a post graduation course in English teaching. I joined this group because I want to learn more so that I can improve my teaching. I believe I can enrich my classes and my expectations are really high because I could feel people’s involvement in the kickoff session. Everybody is really collaborative and it is wonderful to know people all over the world are interested in teaching, learning and collaborating.
Yahoo ID: sheellahh
Skype: sheellahh
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sheila.passos
email: sheila_passos@hotmail.com, sheellahh@yahoo.com.br
Yohimar Sivira

Hello Everyone,
I am Yohimar Sivira, from Venezuela. I am English Teacher at Universidad Francisco de Miranda, in Coro, Falcon. I have worked there for 2 years in f2f as well as in online programs. Nowadays I teach English to beginners and writing skills to advanced sts. I love including web tools in my English Classes even though they are f2f lessons. These last 2 years I have participated in online events and education programs based on computer- mediated teaching. This is my second time in EVO although I couldnt finished the last workshops...I´ll do my best this year to stay till the end of it!!! :)))
My yahoo ID is: yohimarsivira Gmail: yohimarsivira
twitter: yohimar facebook: yohimar sivira Ning: Yohimar Sivira
Skype: yohimar.andreina Delicious: www.delicious.com/yohimar Diigo: yohimar
Second life: Joy Rubermeyer
Looking forward to interacting and learning so much from u all
Pinar Boynikoglu
Martin E. Senger

Pax et bonum! (peace & goodness)
I am an adult ESL teacher in Pennsylvania, USA. I am also Co-Director for the ESL Division of the Pennsylvania Association for Adult Continuing Edcuation (PAACE), and Co-Facilitator for the Adult ESL Teachers' Network of NW PA and the ESL Shareholders' Network of the Lake Erie Region, a consortium of Adult, K-12 and Higher Education ESL professionals.
I look forward to working with you all.
Dr.V.Anitha Devi

Hello Everybody,
I am V.Anitha Devi. Welcome to all from all over the world. I teach English for learners at
VIT, India.
Being interested in the Language Laboratory and web 2.0 tools this course is a
boon for me. Once more ready to take off as a virtual learner. ;-)
Happy BAW09 member! (:-) Trying to work on my blog. Just become a Wikibuddy.
Aspiring to learn and share!
Email: anithadeviv@yahoo.in
Skype: Dr.V. Anitha Devi
María Luján Dolabarás

Hi! My name's María Luján Dolabarás and I'm a 33-year-old graduate EFL teacher from Bahía Blanca, an important city in the south of Buenos Aires province. I've been working in this field for 12 years so far, teaching all levels both at public schools and private academies. I'm currently working at a technical school, E.E.T. Nº2. I'm deeply interested in the use of ITC in the classrooms, and have been experimenting with blogs for two years. Last year I took part in EVO's Blog based lessons and E-portfolios, and this is the outcome of that wonderful experience: http://construccionesweb20efl.blogspot.com/ and http://web20intheeflclassroom.blogspot.com/. I've learnt so much working on these blogs, but at the same time, I know very little and that's why I'm looking forward to learn from you all and sharing what I know!!!
My yahoo ID is wilwarin27. My Skype: mldolabaratz. xxxxx
Veronica Baig
Susan Stephenson
I am Susan Stephenson, from Australia.
My Yahoo ID is sueles2005.
On Twitter I am @BookChook.
My blog is The Book Chook
email: sueles -at- bigpond - dot - net - dot - au
I am no longer teaching face-to-face, but I'm still passionate about children's literacy and literature. So I reach out to parents and teachers via my blog.
I am fascinated by technology and what it can do for us all.
My expectations are that I will learn more here that I can share with my blog readers, that I will make new friends, and that I will have fun. What more can I ask for?
Aziza Mohsen
Catherine Dorgan
I live in Ayacucho, a small town in the Andes of Peru. I teach in different institutions. I have only just got an internet connection and I'm keen to see how technology can help improve my classes. I'd also like to connect with like-minded professionals.
My ID is catherinedorgan
Olga Muranova
Hello all! My name is Olga. I am from Saint-Petersburg (Russia). I conduct lessons of English and its different aspects at the faculty of foreign languages at the State Herzen's Pedagogical University and at Saint-Petersburg University of Technology and Design. Besides, sometimes I teach German to adults at Ltd. "Benedict School". My teaching experience is about 5.5 years at the moment. Hopefully, virtual communication within BaW-10 and participation in this workshop will help me and my colleagues use computer technologies at our English lessons more effectively.
My yahoo ID: olgamuranova; Ning: Olga Muranova; LiveJournal: murasik.
My Skype ID: murasichek.
My e-mails: olgamuranova@yahoo.com / olga15071982@rambler.ru .
I am looking forward to fruitful and interesting communication with my "virtual colleagues" who also decided to join this session!
Sue Annan
My name is Sue and I work in a private English Language school in Jersey, Channel Islands.
My Yahoo ID is sueannan29@yahoo.com and my email is sue.annan@localdial.com.
twitter @SueAnnan
Skype sue.annan
I am really looking forward to working with everybody and sharing experiences and knowledge.
Valentina Sitnik
Biljana Naumoska
Hi , I'm Biljana from Skopje , Macedonia.I teach English for 25 years ,I work in a primary school age 12 - 15.
I am for the second time here and I am glad that I can learn something more from all of you!
My Yahoo ID : ivabiba09
My Skype ID : ivabiba08
Beatrice Alves
stacey lezama

hi everyone! sorry it took me several tries to get my photo right. i am from trinidad my yahoo id is bonnyasefue98 my skype id is stace.leza. i am from trinidad and we are in the carnival season. i have been a teacher for 13 years in the subject area of principles of business but i am currently doing my masters in reading and so i am very interested in learning how to use these tools as a future reading specialist |
Hi everyone,
I'm really excited to take part in this learning experience. I've been teaching EFL for 16 years in Israel, and have been using technology with my students for quite a number of years.
I'm sure I have a lot to learn from you all!
Looking forward to this course,
Gabriela Crocilla
Hello, everybody!
I'm Gabriela Crocilla. I'm from Argentina and I've been teaching English for 12 years at all levels. I work in Villa Devoto School, a bilingual school in Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires. There I teach at elementary level. I also teach English to babies and deliver private lessons.
A friend of mine introduced me to this huge world of teaching using Web tools. I like a lot and I want to continue learning. This is my first time attending an online course and so far I find it great!
By the end of the course I expect to be able to create my own blog, and know much more about Web tools and how to use them in my classroom.
Looking forward to meeting you all!
e-mail: gscrocilla@yahoo.com.ar
skype ID: gabyybeto
Natalya Yusupova
My name is Natalya Yusupova. I am a teacher of English at school 25 in Chirchik, Uzbekistan.
My Yahoo ID is natalyayusupova@ymail.com
I am very proud to be a TEA 2009 Fellow this fall (Sept-Nov), because English is my second profession. I used to be a journalist but after destroying the Soviet Union I lost my job. And I am happy with my new job. I enjoyed my work in Purdue University with Larissa Olesova who had taught me some new technologies. I got acquainted with Teresa -one of the author of this site - in the video conference while I was in Indiana. And I hope to learn more interesting things and to have more friends all over the world. I am 50 and before my victory in the TEA Program I considered that I am too late to participate in the International programs. And though I have 2 grandsons I am still young and want to get as more as possible from communication with my international colleagues!
my email: mushr@mail.ru my skype: natalyus59
Adelina Moura
I'm Adelina Moura, from Braga, Portugal. I'm 49 years old,
My Yahoo ID is ActividadesInteractivas
I'm working in Carlos Amarante Secondary School, since 1981.
I teach Portuguese and French languages
I joined this group to learn about collaboration and Web 2.0 tools. I'm expecting to learn from all of you and to share some of my knowledge and have a great time with all these teacher around the world. I'll try to do my best.
I share my personal website adresse - http://adelinamouravitae.com.sapo.pt/
My skype: adelinam8 My email: adelina8@gmail.com
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
Comments (11)
Carlos Barrera said
at 10:32 pm on Jan 5, 2010
Sorry I made a lot of mistakes editing the page. I am so happy and excited I'm part of this!!!
Carlos Barrera said
at 12:05 am on Jan 6, 2010
I was checking the week 1 questions in the YG list, what's YG list? I mean, I think YG stand for Yahoo Group list, but where is it exactly?
Daf said
at 3:45 pm on Jan 6, 2010
Hi Carlos, Go to http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/baw10/ and then to Post (navigation bar on the left)
Tatiana Kobzina said
at 5:23 pm on Jan 6, 2010
Dear colleagues,
Could you help me delete this image. I am not able to do that
Dincer Demir said
at 6:54 pm on Jan 6, 2010
hi, just click on it and use del button
Susan Stephenson said
at 10:04 pm on Jan 7, 2010
Thanks to whoever reduced my pic file size! I am unable to add my name. In the Edit screen, there is no "your name here" above my pic cell. (I can see it however in the View screen). It's at the side in Edit, and when I add my name, it doesn't appear on the view screen. I don't have IE, but am using both Firefox and Safari to no avail.
Daf said
at 4:27 pm on Jan 8, 2010
Hi Susan. I resized your picture :-) I have been resizing all the huge pictures to save storage space and to make it faster for the page to be seen. IE works best with Pbworks.
Aziza Mohsen said
at 5:44 pm on Jan 8, 2010
sorry - I tried to add my profile to the wiki .. for some reason the page get missed up
Carlos Barrera said
at 2:44 am on Jan 9, 2010
Thanks Daf. I see the light now.
patricia sorrentino said
at 8:07 pm on Jan 12, 2010
dear all
I´m having the hardest time ever trying to post a picture and a profile. Could anyone give me a helping hand??
tks a bunch
Jose Antonio da Silva said
at 8:32 pm on Jan 12, 2010
Hello Patricia,
First you should have a thumbnail version of your picture, next you should upload it to the wiki page and finally you just have to place the cursor where you want the picture to be displayed and click on the uploaded picture.
Please let me know if you still have problems.
All the best
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