

Page history last edited by Daf 15 years ago

Participants' Photos and Intros - Page 2

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Participants page 2


Participants page 3




Click on the "Edit page" button above to add your profile. We have included a form below for you to follow.



Please add your introduction on this page:  http://baw2010participants.pbworks.com/Participants4





Jean Michel CHAUPART 


I am Jean Michel Chaupart, from Bucaramanga, Colombia. I taught french during 30 years at the university, now retired but still training the trainers to use ICTs in education.

It’s my 5th or 6th time as a “student” in BAW where I always know new things; where I enjoy (and love) the human qualities of our two coordinators and where I find as moderators persons who where students in BAW one, two or more years ago.

BAW has always been a MUST for me.

YahooID: jmchaupart

Best regards, Meilleurs souvenirs, Con mis mejores deseos from/de/desde Colombia

Jean Michel Chaupart                                                                                              


Arjana Blazic


My name is Arjana Blazic.  I teach English and German in a high school in Zagreb, Croatia. I'm a keen user of web 2.0 technologies and I'd love to learn more about new tools that I can use in the classroom. I have a ning set up for my students where they can write blogs and collaborate with other students. We also launched a project called Greetings from the world, where students from different countries create multimedia posters - glogsters about their countries. You're welcome to join us :-)

my yahoo ID: arjanab                                             my skype ID: zamdyb                         

my twitter name: @abfromz                                    my email: msblazic@gmail.com

my blogs: http://traveloteacher.blogspot.com/ & http://twitterovadruzina.wordpress.com/

I'm looking forward to learning with you:-)


Sanja Bozinovic 

 My name is Sanja. I have been an EFL teacher for 19 years.

I taught English and Italian in a high school in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, until last September, when I started teaching in an elementary school in Velika Gorica, a small town which was until recently a part of Zagreb, where I live with my family. My students are boys and girls aged 11-14.

I have tried some web 2.0 tools in my teaching and would like to learn a lot more in this group. I started a blog for my high school students last year http://ggg-englisharoundtheworld.blogspot.com/  and this year I've started one with my elementary school students http://weplayandlearnenglish.blogspot.com/.

I'm looking forward to learning and sharing with all the members of this group.

Yahoo ID: sanja.bozinovic   Skype: sanjadoma    Twitter:bsanja

Second Life: San Krokus    Google Wave: sanjabggg@googlewave.com 


Maizie Avihayil




My name is Maizie Avihayil. I live in Israel and work as an ESL teacher from Grades 2 - 8. I also work as a mentor for 1st year teachers.
I have participated in previous EVO's and enjoyed them so much I come back for more every year.
E-mail: maizie@zahav.net.il; maiziea@gmail.com; maizieil@yahoo.co.uk
My yahoo ID is maizieil.             Twitter: maizie       Skype:maizieil
SL:Heather8 Devin & Maizie Roxley

I am looking forward to learning from  from everyone.                                                                                      




My name is David and my Yahoo! ID is aurorerio@yahoo.com

This is my first time at BAW and I am positively twitterpated to be here!

I have taught ESL in Chicago, Turkey, Oman, Mexico, Czech Republic, and Brazil. 

I am looking forward to the adventure of learning this week...and beyond.  Thanks. 

Yahoo! ID: aurorerio

Skype: aurore2k

Email: aurorerio2@gmail.com


Saba Khan

I am SABA KHAN  I am a teacher at an IB PYP preauthorised school . Eastern Public School. I am a teacher teaching grade 3 at an IB PYP preauthorised school  and also i am an advisor in another non-profit school for the under priveledge .  I want to increase my knowledge about integration of technology in education to increase qualitative and selective knowledge.I strongly look forward to do some globally collaborative projects and increase my personal learning network(PLN).

  As I am also working as an advisor to this non profit school and I would love to hear some supporting advice relating the management of such organisations and working in monetory crunches, how can we provide quality education without taking heafty amount of fees from under-priveledge students.
 You can find me @  gmail, skype and twitter yahoomail, as sabasweb                                              


Svetlana Obenausova


       Hi, my name is Svetlana Obenausova, I teach in the Department of English at the Faculty of Education in Olomouc, Czech Republic, one of the subjects I teach is ICT for ELT. This is my first time at BAW and I hope I will learn a lot of useful stuff for my own teaching. My email is obenausova@yahoo.com                                                                                       


Gladys Ledwith


I have been an English teacher for almost 30 years. At the moment I coordinate the English Department in a bilingual k-12 school in Buenos Aires. As from 2008 our students from 5th to 10th grades come to school with their own netbooks, their classrooms are equipped with an IAW, teacher's PC and WIFI. Evidently this has had an enormous impact in whatever happens inside our classrooms.

More or less at that time I opened a Ning space http://teachustech.ning.com to share my experiences with colleagues.   My Yahoo ID: glad01ar  

My Skype ID:  gladys.ledwith                                                                                            


Jorge Silva 


My name is Jorge Silva and you can call me Jorge. My Yahoo ID is jncs12.
I'm a IT Teacher on a Secondary School in Portugal. The school where I'm working is "Escola S/2,3 de Águas Santas", near by Oporto city.
I was invited to join this group from my good friend Marco (also Portuguese and EFL Teacher).
I wave so many expectations that I coul stand here all the day writing... but my primary goal is to work with all of you and help everyone with all the subjects of this group.
I hope that everyone could enjoy and learn much more here!                                                                                                


Tiiu Leibur



 My name is Tii Leibur, my  Yahoo ID is tiiu.leibur@yahoo.com . I'm a primary teaher in Pärnu Koidula Gymnasium in Estonia.  My students are 7 - 11 years old. I enjoy project work and my students start PC lessons in first grade. I also work as a mentor of international projects. This is my first time in BAW and I hope to get a lot of new useful knowledges. Thanks. 




My name is Cristina. I've been an EFL teacher for more than 20 years and I currently teach learners of different levels and ages.  I was very glad to participate in Baw09, which gave me the opportunity to meet fantastic people from all over the world and decided, then, to attend this year session to enjoy a similar experience and keep on learning about this amazing world of new technologies.      Hope we meet as often as possible in all and every activity.  A warm hug from Banfield, Buenos Aires, Argentina.                                                                                      


Elisabetta Francini


Hi everybody!  My name is Elisabetta and my yahoo ID is elisabetta_italia@yahoo.it
I live in Italy and I work as English teacher in an Italian middle school situated in a little town in the north.  At the moment I teach English to students from 10 to 14 at school and to adults from 35 to 90 in a private course. I'm also working on a language project where I teach German to students from 6 to 12. I love teaching but I also love learning: I like the internet and I look forward to knowing more about learning/teaching internet tools.


Eleni Argyriou


  Hello colleagues! My name is Eleni Argyriou and I teach English at a junior high school at Livadia, a town close to Athens,Greece. I am a techno addict and since this is my third year as a Webhead I'd like to tell you that I try to put into practice everything I learn here and it works! I look forward to meeting new people and share experience with everyone!

Skype ID: elenargy1       Yahoo ID: elenargy1

Yahoo mail: elenargy@yahoo.gr      

Twitter ID : elenargy1                                                                                             




 Hello everybody! I'm Claudia from Uruguay. I have a Bachelor in TESOL from the University of London. I mainly teach international exams (Cambridge and Trinity College). I run a small language school in Montevideo. This is my 4th time at EVO and my 3rd at BaW and every year I take advantage of new tools to make my lessons more attractive and challenging.

Skype ID: claudiacarril2

Yahoo ID: carril_claudia    

Wiki:    www.englishcorner.pbworks.com

Blog: www.englishcorner-claudia.blogspot.com                                                                                 


Sara Tilleman 


 Shalom to everyone.  My name is Sara Tilleman and I'm a former American who has been living in Israel for the pass 22 years.  I'm the coordinator of an ESL program at a local Israeli University and am looking forward to learning more about how to integrate technology into my teaching.                                                                                               


Ellen Clegg


I direct an intensive English program (ELS Language Centers) in San Antonio, Texas.  I participated in this seminar last year and really enjoyed it, but felt I didn’t have enough time to explore all the tools.  I’m back this year for more and am hoping to become more familiar with all of this wonderful stuff.  All of the online materials that can be applied to ESL classes fascinate me.  I’m hoping to become much more experienced in using them through this course.  Also, just found out I will be doing an Electronic Village presentation (“World of Warcraft: Ways of Learning”) at TESOL in March.    eclegg@els.edu  

Twitter, Skype, and Yahoo = weftwaif     www.ellenclegg.com                                                                               


Marina Petrovic 


My name is Marina Petrovic. I have been an EFL teacher working at a private language school in Novi Sad, Serbia, for the past 13 years. Since I started teaching online since 3 years ago, I became passionate about blogging, collaborating and learning how to use online tools in my everyday teaching, both F2F (face to face) and online. This is my first time at EVO and I feel great meeting so many colleagues from all over the world with the same interests. I am looking forward to exchanging experiences and learning from you in the future. Feel free to visit my blog, add my twitter: nsmarina skype me: marina.lancelot5 or write to me: nscitycall@yahoo.com                                                                                  


Juan Pino-Silva


Juan Pino-Silva has taught EFL in Chile and Venezuela and Spanish in England and the US.

He holds an MA in Hispanic Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and Ph.D. in Linguistics from

Indiana University. Recently retired from the Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela

where he resides.  Juan Pino is a researcher, teacher and creator/moderator of VENELT, a

community of EFL University teachers working in Venezuela. Among his main interests are

(1) new technologies and language learning environmemts and (2) computer-based language

testing, among others.                                                           


Marco Vieira


My name is Marco Vieira but you can call me Marco. My Yahoo ID is vieiraonline71.

I teach English as a foreign language to the 9th Grade at a public school in the northeast of Portugal - Mogadouro.

It is my first time here and this course seems to be a great opportunity to learn more about Web 2.0 tools.


Always sharing ideas,                                                                                  


Belkis Yanes 



Hello everybody! My name is Belkis. I’ve been an EFL teacher for 27 years. I’ve taught English at all levels. I worked in a 7-week special teaching program in Sines, Portugal. I’ve been teaching in-company courses for 16 years now. I love learning and teaching English (I consider myself a permanent student!).  I also like technology, so I think it would be great to combine these two interests while I can continue learning and getting new ideas for the classroom. 

My Yahoo ID: kikiyanes

My Skype ID: belkis.yanes

Blog: http://teacherkiki.blogspot.com



Madyori Noya


My name is Madyori and my Yahoo! ID is madyori_noya@yahoo.com

This is my first time at BAW and I am thrilled to be here!

I`m currently teaching English In-Company and loving it.

I am looking forward to the challenge of continuing learning ..thanks                                                                                      


Stephen Smith

My name is Stephen Smith and I am a lecturer at Mahidol University, Faculty of ICT  

in Thailand.  I have been teaching EFL for nearly 15 years, starting in Fukuoka, Japan   

on the JET Program.  I have taught all levels from kindergarten to university, in high 

schools, language, schools, corporate training, colleges and universities.  I also teach

an introduction to management course.

Nice to be here.



Michael Terry



Hello. My name is Michael Terry and I work in Barcelona, Spain.  I’m Director of Studies at a private language school that caters for both young learners and adult learners.  I’ve been working in TEFL for just over 10 years in Melbourne, London and Barcelona.  I wouldn’t say that I’m a natural webhead (!) but I’m interested to see how we could use technology more in the classroom and to learn more about it.  My yahoo ID is terrywinkle62.  I look forward to meeting you – virtually – over the coming weeks!



Angelina Bezrukova 


       Hi! I am Angelina Bezrukova, and I am an English Fopreign language Instructor at the

University  in Russia, Siberia. I teach English to the students majoring  both in English and in other subjects for whom English is  an ESP. I am a novice in this technology. At last I understood how to do this simple work of joining this very page. I tried it several times, but something went wrong. I hope I learn a lot from this course and find partners for mutual projects.   My e-mail: bezrukovaav@yahoo.com. Frankly speaking I don't know what is meant by  Yahoo ID.                                                                                    


Patricia Sorrentino 


     Hi there! I´m Patricia Sorrentino from Brazil and in the Yahoo Group you might see me as
patimso. I´ve been en EFL teacher and teacher trainer in Sao Paulo , Brazil, for about
15 years. I´ve also been an independent teacher trainer and Educational Consultant, giving
workshops, pre and in- service training, and developing educational and
pedagogical projects at local schools. At the moment I am taking a Master´s in TEFL by distance mode from theUNIVERSIDAD DE JAEN, Spain, in collaboration with the Fundacion Universitaria
IberoAmericana. Due to this, I´ve been eager to learn more about my new passion: Educational Technology! I´ve been trying to integrate some Web 2.0 tools in my classes, and during this semester I´ll be implementing a project on Teacher Education in CALL at a school in Sao Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil.
Needless to say that I am eager to start the course and learn from and share experiences with you all!!!                                           


Gilder Davila 

This is Gilder Dávila. I'm from Caracas-Venezuela. I'm a current student of the Master in Applied Linguistics at Simon Bolivar University. I teach English at a public Junior High School since 2005.

I'm so happy to be here, in this group, because I love all about New Technology Trends in Language Teaching. I've been a Dafne's student before and have learnt so much that you can't imagine. Now my students are fascinated with their tasks as I am with their works. Ready for this awesome trip.



Email address: gilder.davila@gmail.com  gdavila_uah@yahoo.com

Skype address: gilderdavila


Vesile Acar


I'm Vesile Acar from İstanbul. I have been teaching English for 15 years. I'm teaching at a private high school and I am intrested in using technology more in the classrom and improving myself in this area. This is my first time at an online course and hope to enjoy while learning.

My yahoo ID is acar.vesile



Shannon McClintock Miller




HELLO from Van Meter, Iowa in the U.S.A.!   

My name is Shannon McClintock Miller.  I am the district teacher librarian and technology coordinator for Van Meter Community School.  I have been teaching for 3 years and am currently getting my masters in library science and technology.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE technology, especially Web 2.0,creating, learning, teaching, social networking, and finding & passing it onto the classroom, students, teachers, and friends.  All of our students in 7th through 12th grade have Apple MacBooks, which has changed the way we think at Van Meter!  

As a teacher librarian of the 21st century, one of the biggest parts of my job is locating great Web 2.0 tools and resources for the teachers & students and helping them implement these resources into the classroom.  I have definitely found my passion!  :)  

I would love for you to visit me at the Van Meter Library VOICE Blog, our Van Meter Library VOICE Facebook, vmlibraryvoice on Twitter, and our Van Meter Library VOICE Google Site which contains TONS of resources for everyone!  

And here is a little information from my own PLN!  

My favorite place to connect to me would also be my  Van Meter Library VOICE Blog

shannonmmiller on Twitter 

email me shannon.miller@vmbulldogs.com 

My Yahoo ID is shannonmillervoice

Shannon McClintock Miller on Diigo

vanmeterlibrarian on YouTube





 I am Mariana Oprea from Moldova (mariana_oprea27) and I would like to make a short self-introduction. I have recently graduated Moldova State University, with a major in English language and literature, and during 2007-2008 I spent one fabulous year as an exchange student in Florida, studying Elementary Education.

 Currently, I work for American Language Center, part of the American Councils, where I  teach English as a Foreign Language to teenagers and adults. As a young professional, who likes giving the best she can and providing qualitative services, I have been engaged in various sources of professional development. Having students from various background and different needs, I feel that I need to improve my teacher skills. I like learning new things every day, engaging my mind into intelligence-challenging situations and cultural exchange, that is why, EVO is perfect for me. My expectations are rather basic ones: interaction, knowledge, challenges, skills and networking.

 Thank you very much for this wonderful project and I think it is going to be a wonderful experience for all of us!                                                                                                                     


Tiana Houssnia  


 My name is Tiana Houssnia. I am from Morocco. I teach English to the 9th grade students in middle school in Marrakech. I am the General Secretary of Marrakech Regional Branch of MATE. I taught English in Qatar for two years and it was an amazing experience. I attended the Teacher Education Institute in Boston College, USA in 2007 and I highly enjoyed it.  I conducted many programs and projects like the project " Citizen" by the Moroccan Center of Civic education, Summer Camps, and Access program for microscolarships.  I took my students to France in a cultural exchange trip last year and hope to create friendships between my students and overseas ones.

I am so excited to join this course, because I am sure that I will make my students embrace new technology. My experience with ICT includes creating short video clips with windows movie maker. I also have a blog which is a lesson once designed for my students.




Mounia kj 


  Hello! My name is Mounia, I'm from Morocco. I've been learning many things so far and I'm still looking forward to learn more. I'm an English teacher in a middle school in Sale. I'm here to get acquainted with the use of ICT tools in teaching. I would like to thank all the moderators and co-moderators for the wonderful work and for the help they offer us each time. 




Olga Borodina


It’s my first time as a “student” in BAW where I want to  know new things and new people.

YahooID: borodina197178                                                                                                                      


I am Olga Borodina, from Krasnoyarsk, Russia. I taught English during 10 years at the school. 




Elena Ivanova



Hi there! I'm Elena Ivanova from Moscow, Russia. I teach English at a teacher training university. I'm happy to join the course and feel your warm support. I'd like to thank the coordinators and moderators for being patient and gentle. Hope I'll cope wih all the tasks and get familiar with more CMC tools. Surely, my students will like it, too.

My Yahoo ID - elenagi09. Welcome!



Please go to http://baw2010participants.pbworks.com/Participants3















Comments (7)

Sanja Bozinovic said

at 2:12 pm on Jan 12, 2010

What happened to the content of this page. I've just logged to finish my introduction, but the page is empty. Where are the introductions and the photos from page 2 now?

Daf said

at 2:59 pm on Jan 12, 2010

Hi Sanja. Somebody deleted the page, but I have restored the previous version. You can now complete your intro :-)

Sanja Bozinovic said

at 4:11 pm on Jan 12, 2010

Thanks, Daf.

Sanja Bozinovic said

at 4:27 pm on Jan 12, 2010

Sorry, Daf, it looks like I deleted it this time. I don't know how I managed.
I hope you can restore it again.
I'm really sorry,

yeşim said

at 12:46 pm on Jan 14, 2010

Hi Daf, my infos were deleted. I added it one or two hours ago. How can I arrange it?

Daf said

at 1:07 pm on Jan 14, 2010

Hi Yesim, I was able to rescue your introduction but I have copied it to a new page that has been created: http://baw2010participants.pbworks.com/Participants3 You are the first one on this new page :-)

yeşim said

at 1:38 pm on Jan 14, 2010

Ah, thanks, It looks better:)

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